
#1 Tips in Forex Winning Strategy

1. Investasikan uang yang bisa anda relakan untuk hilang, dan menganggap uang yang didepositkan itu sebagai biaya pendidikan anda jika anda baru masuk dalam dunia Forex.
2. Tetap pada pekerjaan tetap Anda, sambil mengerjakan pekerjaan sampingan Anda di Forex. Begitu Anda keluar dari pekerjaan tetap Anda, maka beban psikologis yang hadapi lebih berat daripada ketika Anda masih mempunyai pekerjaan tetap, dan beban psikologis inilah yang akan membawa Anda ke jurang kekalahan, kecuali Anda sudah terbukti mampu bebas dari beban psikologis, misalnya uang yang anda depositkan jika hilang, tidak mempunyai pengaruh apapun pada beban hidup sehari-hari Anda.
Anda bisa keluar dari pekerjaan tetap Anda kalau bunga dari deposito atau deviden dari saham, surat berharga atau investasi lainnya dapat menopang gaya hidup anda sehari-hari, sehingga anda tidak mempunyai kekhawatiran dengan situasi kekurangan uang.
3. Selalu trading jika keadaan tubuh dan jiwa sehat.
4. Jaga profit, jangan biarkan loss menjerat leher anda.
5. Konsisten dengan trading strategy yang winning rationya 60:40 lebih baik daripada inkonsistensi dengan trading strategy yang winning rationya 80:20.
6, nex time posting lagi...


How to Win at Forex World

Forex is an abbreviation from Foreign Exchange.

It is a seductive world, where player, investor, gambler, trader, institution, country, Central Bank meet together to get some money from.

It is also a huge funeral for those what we call previouslye as player, investor, gambler, trader, etc,... etc... because of their greed and unknown of the risk of this beast.

Many of them... if I am not saying that almost everyone who enter to this bisnis in the beginning lost their money.

Just a view that still stay at this business and gain money. The rest is gone. They lost their money and also their hope to get money from this business.

This is not an easy game. Not at all.

In the beginning many are interested with what the brokerage house offer.
They can open a demo account with virtual money of $5000 - $20000 or something.

Of course when demoing it, there is no pressure of letting their money up and down in front of their face. It is different when they are depositing a real money into their account. Then they are realized that they can see their money is flying up and down. It knock down their emotion. It influences their analysis.
Finally, they can see their money reducting in the value. Then they want to get back their money. They add the lot (Which means increase the risk) and also see that their effort is useless. They still see that the money gone faster than the previous attempt because of the bigger lot.


How can I say that?....

Yeah... because I am one of them.....

But I am still learning this business, and now I am gaining money from this world.

For how long I am learning? 3 painful years.....

Then how come I can make a blog of how to win the forex world....

I feel that everyone who wants to enter this world should not experiences the same as me. And I am hoping that they are reading my post.

The next post will be how I plan to overcome my psychological aspect in trading.